Sunday, April 29, 2007


Diamond's Facet...any of the flat "sides" of the diamond.

Diamond's Table...On a brilliant cut (bc) stone...the top octagonal facet.

Diamond's Girdle...The (typically) frosty white ring at the widest part.

Diamond's Culet...
The bottom point (actually a facet) on a bc stone.

Diamond's Pavilion...The portion of the stone below the girdle.

Diamond's Crown...The portion of the stone above the girdle.

Fire...The quality of the diamond that breaks reflected light into a colorful array.

Diamond Brilliance...The quality of the diamond that reflects light without changing it (sometimes called sparkle).

Diamond's Fluorescence...The characteristic of some diamonds to fluoresce certain colors under some light.

Diamond Feather...A jewelers way of saying "crack". Appears as a white feather within the diamond.

1 comment:

Jay said...

Well this is good. I liked the way You had described about diamond jewelry. Keep it !!!!!!!!!!!!up.